Hi! I’m Jacque and I am so glad you are here. As a functional medicine practitioner, lightworker and Reiki Master, I’ve explored a number of alternative healing modalities, but breathwork has a special place in my heart. I’m a military veteran, wife & mom of 4 and I discovered Somatic breathwork while on my own journey to heal from complex PTSD, childhood trauma, military trauma and sexual assault. We just don’t have many safe spaces in our society to really allow ourselves to feel our feelings, express what needs to be expressed, release what isn’t serving us and connect to our truth and power. Soma+IQ Breathwork creates that safe space. It has been such a powerful and transformative practice for me, and now I am so excited to be able to offer this to others.
14321 Winter Breeze Dr, Ste 67 Midlothian, VA 23113, Midlothian, Virginia, United States
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