


browse through our list of global certified practitioners


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42 practitioners
Lena Summer
Pennsylvania, United States
Joyful practitioner & Holistic Coach passionate about helping you heal and align your mind + body + spirit.
Lena Summer
Whitemarsh Township, Pennsylvania
Joyful practitioner & Holistic Coach passionate about helping you heal and align your mind + body + spirit.
Nate Todd
Indiana, United States
Identify and release limiting patterns, allowing for new narratives that support your heart’s mission. Connecting you back to your Divine design.
Nate Todd
Fort Wayne, Indiana
Identify and release limiting patterns, allowing for new narratives that support your heart’s mission. Connecting you back to your Divine design.
Hind Berrouho
Casablanca, Morocco
Breathwork for Healing: Conquer Your Shadows and Let's Embrace the Light Together
Hind Berrouho
casablanca, Casablanca
Breathwork for Healing: Conquer Your Shadows and Let's Embrace the Light Together
Erin Gulersen
Aegean, Turkey
Holding space for self-discovery, self-awareness, self-love. Love yourself first! (Turkish or English)
Erin Gulersen
Çeşme, Aegean
Holding space for self-discovery, self-awareness, self-love. Love yourself first! (Turkish or English)
Lindsay Stecher, LADC, LMSW
Nevada, United States
Licensed clinician and coach helping & guiding you through holisitic approaches to release the trauma trapped in your body!
Lindsay Stecher, LADC, LMSW
Reno, Nevada
Licensed clinician and coach helping & guiding you through holisitic approaches to release the trauma trapped in your body!
Nicole Siri Martin
West Virginia, United States
We will work together with curious compassion toward authenticity and agency by expressing and releasing the layers of energy that no longer serve you and keep you stressed and stuck.
Nicole Siri Martin
Vienna, West Virginia
We will work together with curious compassion toward authenticity and agency by expressing and releasing the layers of energy that no longer serve you and keep you stressed and stuck.
Greater London, United Kingdom
Im Mossi, your Certified Global SomatIQ BreathWork Practitioner. Im passionate allowing ourself a choice to live in our highest potential. To become our own Leaders in Love & Expension
London, Greater London
Im Mossi, your Certified Global SomatIQ BreathWork Practitioner. Im passionate allowing ourself a choice to live in our highest potential. To become our own Leaders in Love & Expension
Courtnee Beasley
Michigan, United States
Your breath is calling you home. Let's breathe together.
Courtnee Beasley
southfield, Michigan
Your breath is calling you home. Let's breathe together.
Susanna Kenyon-Muir
Greater London, United Kingdom
Life/Career Coach helping you create your ideal life using my holistic approach
Susanna Kenyon-Muir
London, Greater London
Life/Career Coach helping you create your ideal life using my holistic approach
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#1 Somatic Breathwork Certification Accredited by Arizona State University Please click the button below to apply and get connected with one of our admissions team. On your call, you’ll learn more about the training, explore funding options and get answers to any questions you have!

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