


browse through our list of global certified practitioners


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42 practitioners
Franceil Ichikawa-Masi
California, United States
Guiding humans to heal themselves so we can uplift the next generation!
Franceil Ichikawa-Masi
Los Angeles, California
Guiding humans to heal themselves so we can uplift the next generation!
Jo Anne Cobb
Florida, United States
Empowering you to be your best self.
Jo Anne Cobb
Tampa, Florida
Empowering you to be your best self.
Alycia Wong
Colorado, United States
Empowering well-being through practices for self-care and resilience building.
Alycia Wong
Denver, Colorado
Empowering well-being through practices for self-care and resilience building.
Maury Stephan
Georgia, United States
I provide space for healing through bodywork, health coaching and breathwork.
Maury Stephan
Suwanee, Georgia
I provide space for healing through bodywork, health coaching and breathwork.
Jonathan Sekerak
Colorado, United States
Heal the wounded masculine •• Father wounds, toxic shame & anger release
Jonathan Sekerak
Boulder, Colorado
Heal the wounded masculine •• Father wounds, toxic shame & anger release
Matt Stewart
Massachusetts, United States
Helping you walk through your Shadows to meet your Light.
Matt Stewart
Danvers, Massachusetts
Helping you walk through your Shadows to meet your Light.
Hannah Schwoerer
New Hampshire, United States
Rediscover your power & return home in your body || human design | breathwork | cycle alignment
Hannah Schwoerer
Dover, New Hampshire
Rediscover your power & return home in your body || human design | breathwork | cycle alignment
Bree Pollard
Ontario, Canada
SomatIQ Breathwork and Spinal Energetics Practitioner
Bree Pollard
Greater Sudbury, Ontario
SomatIQ Breathwork and Spinal Energetics Practitioner
Abigail Luvisi
Arizona, United States
Guiding you to release stress, gain resilience & embrace joy. Connect, clear and create. Let's breathe together.
Abigail Luvisi
Surprise, Arizona
Guiding you to release stress, gain resilience & embrace joy. Connect, clear and create. Let's breathe together.
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#1 Somatic Breathwork Certification Accredited by Arizona State University Please click the button below to apply and get connected with one of our admissions team. On your call, you’ll learn more about the training, explore funding options and get answers to any questions you have!

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